Lecturer: Professor Kurt Anders Richardson
Kawthar Islamic English Language Center held this workshop with the presence of Kawthar Islamic English language Students, the heads, teachers and Dr.Jahangiri the head of the international part of denomination and religions university.moreover, Dr.Koohpayei, the promienent professor of religions in howzah and university was present.
The workshop aimed to respond and discuss proper answers to some important and controversial questions and misunderstandings arround Ibrahamic religions especially, Islam and Christianity.
Some rosen questions by the participants were fundamental and challenging ones arround the Holy Books of Ibrahamic religiouns, original sin of Christianity beliefs and comparison of religions.
The session lasted for four hours, in order to cover the points and answering the questions.
At the end, prof.Richardson declared his deep satisfaction of being in such community. A precious book of Shiit which is Nahj-ol-balagheh the sayings of Imam Ali(a.s) was gifted to professor Richardson and her wife in order to thank them for coming to Kawthar Institute.